RIPEstat Backend Database Migration: Reduced Availability to Historical Data for Some Datasets

Scheduled Maintenance Report for RIPE NCC


We have postponed this maintenance. We can do this deployment without visible downtime, however, afterwards, the available data will be affected.

We will post an update when this maintenance has been performed.
Posted Oct 16, 2024 - 11:32 CEST

In progress

Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Oct 16, 2024 - 10:00 CEST


Last month, we announced that we are preparing for a migration of the database systems behind RIPEstat to a new cluster. After facing several issues, we decided to temporarily postpone the migration since a lot of historical data would not be available. This would have a significant impact on internal and external users that actively use this historical data.

After mitigating several of these issues, on Wednesday, 16 October, we will continue with the migration. This will require a downtime of two hours. During this downtime, we will do an internal evaluation to confirm that everything works as expected. *Please note that there will be an impact on the data that is available*. The data will not be lost, however, data for some periods will not be available until we finish our backfill process.

If we face any unexpected issues, we will re-attempt to complete the migration on Thursday, 17 October.

## Our Steps So Far

We have transferred and backfilled as much historical data as possible. However, a long history (which is for example used to trace the history of legacy resources before they can be sponsored) for the needed datasets is available.

Compared to our previous update, we have been able to transfer the full history of multiple datasets. However, two of the datasets do not have their full history. The API-calls that are using datasets that have reduced history are:
* bgp-state, bgp-updates, bgplay: data is available for the last three months.
* asn-neighbours (API only, widget is unaffected), asn-neighbours-history: data is partially available.
* beginning - 31-12-2011: available
* 1-1-2012 - 31-12-2012: unchanged, unavailable
* 1-1-2013 - 31-12-2020: available
* 1-1-2024 - current: available

We are filling in the missing historical data for ASN neighborship data. Our best current estimate is that this process will take 36 days. Our best current estimate is that *this process will take 36 days*.

Please let us know if you have use cases for a long history of bgp-state/bgp-updates/bgplay data. Depending on the input we receive, we will decide how far, and with what priority, we backfill this data.
Posted Oct 15, 2024 - 18:31 CEST
This scheduled maintenance affected: Non-Critical Services (RIPEstat).